Saturday, June 4, 2011

We have been to the Great Sand Dunes a few times but we were so close we decided to stop and take a picture for you all to see. I always want to take a picture in front of the entrance sign. Well first I got out our Senior National Park Pass and layed it on the center console. Then I got out and David took my picture. The entrance was just up the road so I looked over at the console and the pass was not there. We pulled over and looked all through the truck. I knew there was NO WAY it fell out of the truck. We pulled up and told the ranger our tale of woe and said we needed to buy another pass. He said go in and when we come back just stop and show him that we found it. Well, we looked all through the truck again and it was not there. When we left we stopped at the entrance shack and the ranger said "Hey guess what I have". Well somebody found the pass! Yes it fell out of the truck when we stopped to take the picture. The person who found it tried to use it but he was only 30 years old!! The ranger took it from him and we got it back!! First of 3 incidence of the day!!

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