Thursday, June 30, 2011

The name Pictured Rocks comes from the streaks of mineral stain that decorate the face of the sculpted cliffs.

Old boat at the Maritime Museum

David, Nolan and Mandy on an overhang near the top of Miner's Castle.

A view of Miner's Cliff

Nolan and Nana on a walking path at Munising Falls.

Mandy, Nolan and David at Munising Falls. Nolan thought these were cool so I can't wait til he sees Niagara Falls..

Another picture of Munising Falls

Nolan at Sand Point a really pretty beach but the water is COLD..

We will be in Sault Sainte Maire from July 1st to July 5th.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yummy. This is a Meat Pastie from Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Upon cutting into our Pastie we found lots of great things. Inside is round steak, potatoes, turnip or rutabaga, and onions. It was really good. Along with the pastie we have cheddar broccoli wild rice soup. Such a Yooper dinner.

As I said it is cold her. We are running the heat and Mandy is still cold.. We are hoping for warmer weather tomorrow.

Read the rest of the blog and click older post for more pics

This post is for our friends Dick and Judy Conroy. They recommended that we stop in Ishpeming, Michigan to visit Da Yoopers.

Thanks Dick and Judy, Nolan had a great time and we had fun, too.

Yoopers riding lawn mower


The camp where deer relax when "man" hunting

David and Big Gus

Dianne and Nolan

David and a BIG GUN

Good Bye to Da Yoopers!! You Betcha..

Today has been a rain day. COLD 49 degrees and rain. We checked out a winery a little shopping and are going to have wild rice soup french bread and a Meat and Fruit Pasties for dinner. These are a speciality in the UP. Pictures to follow..

Sunday, June 26, 2011

We arrived in Bayfield, Wisconsin to see the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. We have been here before but wanted Nolan and Mandy see them.

We decided to hike to the Sea Caves and check out the beaches.

Nolan getting sworn in as a Junior Ranger at the Apostle Islands

Nolan next to a light from a lighthouse.

Nolan and Mandy on the hiking trail.

Dianne hiking in the MUD

Another view

After two long hours of hiking in the mud we made it to the sea caves

Another sea cave

After 4 long muddy hours of hiking we finally made it back to the beach. We washed some of the mud off, relaxed some and Nolan had fun playing in the sand.

Tired hikers back on Myers Beach

One tired hiker
Today we went shopping in downstown Bayfield. They have many cute shops and cool houses. The town reminds me of a town in New England.


Happy Ending to a fun time in Bayfield. Tomorrow we are going to Munising, Michigan. This is in the Upper Peninsula or as the locals call it the UP. They call themselves Yoopers. More about that later.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We are spending the night in Bena, Minnesota. Population 104. This is the only building in town.

Nodak Lodge on Big Winnie

Finally the sun came out this afternoon and we got to enjoy the view.

Lake Winnibigoshish has 67,000 acres of water has a 140 mile shoreline and is the 4th largest lake in Minnesota.

The lodge has its own private marina and dock.

Another view of the boat lunch and dock area

David enjoying the view

They built a building around a tree!!!

We arrived in Walker, Minnesota yesterday in a cold rain. We had no problems getting out of our spot in Randall. YEA.. As you can see Mandy is eating lunch in Walker all covered up and the heat is on. Arizona send us some SUN. David took us to the casino in the afternoon after a visit from Steve, Nolan and Nolan's older cousins. They have been at the cabin 40 miles north of here since Sunday and most of the time it has rained. So they came down and went swimming and hot tubing. We are staying at a hotel that has RV spots so we can use their facilities. Today we will go to Bena to pick up Nolan and Mandy may visit the cabin. Tomorrow we will be going to Bayfield, Wisconsin for 3 days to see the Apostle Islands and there is a casino there..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We left Mason City this morning and are now in Randall, Minnesota. It rained here last night and when we pulled into our spot we got stuck in a big mud hole. Luckily after we tried to use some wood under the tires, there was a good Samaritan and he helped us out. Pictures are worth a thousand words.

Oh, Mandy conned her Dad into stopping in Albertville at an outlet mall and she had to go to the Coach store. We also went into Harry and David and had some great samples.

Thanks Mandy for taking the pictures.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We spent the week with Keira and today is cleaning day. Marcy, Chad and Keira drove to the Mall of America to meet up with Mandy, Steve and Nolan. Nolan and Steve are going fishing in Northern Minnesota and Mandy is coming back to Mason City and we will leave on Tuesday for our adventure.

We spent the week with Keira and so today seemed like a good day to do some cleaning. Remember when I broke the glass well while cleaning the floor on my hands and knees I found another piece of glass. It got into my knee. I moved my knee and said where is this blood coming from. Well it was in deep so I had to do some digging but finally got it out. So that was the excitement for the day.

Looks like it mght rain again today!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Monday, June 13, 2011

In our park in Arizona there a tons of grapefruit trees. Most of the people cannot eat them due to the medicine they take so they give them away. I brought several with me so Keira helped me make juice. We are staying in Mason City, Iowa this week so she is spending the week with us. I think she has a hollow leg. She eats all the time!!

I had also brought a few lemons from Arizona so we made some lemonaide.

Keira and I were talking about lunch and she said she liked waffles. Well I had a belguim waffle maker but told her I hadn't made waffles for a long, long time since my girls were little. She said who were my girls. I told her that was her Mommy and Aunt Mandy. She said they weren't little girls anymore so could she be my little girl. Well, after that I had to make her waffles. I had to look up a recipe on the internet and they turned out great. Pappap enjoyed them, too..

We ended lunch with a small homemade funnel cake with powdered surgar. YUMMY!!