Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday we drove from Tok to Haines Junction. There is only two roads in or out of Alaska. Neither are great. We came into Alaska on Top of the World highway and that wasn't much fun. We exited on this part of the Alaska Highway. This would not be good for people who get car sick. It was up and down all the way and some parts were gravel. The picture shows red flags which we saw on most of the road. This is to warn of Frost Heaves. We survived so much better than some we had talked to. They were people with motorhomes pulling a tow car and the tow car got damaged. All we got was a lot of dirt on the 5th wheel and truck.
If I were in charge of the country I would make sure that you could drive to Alaska without going to another country. So British Columbia and Yukon Territory should be part of the USA. Not all of it just the roads to Alaska. Oops I forgot Dawson Creek in Alberta so I would take that part too. It is called the Alaska Highway so it should encompass only Alaska. OK I got that off my chest...
Click older posts for more pics.

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