Friday, August 3, 2012

AUGUST 2, 2012

Today we got a phone call from Mandy. "IT'S A GIRL". I was a little confused as to what she meant until she said it again. Oh I am going to be an NANA again... They had just gotten pictures and an email regarding a little 11 month old girl who was looking for the perfect family to join. I think she found the right place.

They started the Adoption process in March of 2011 and had to go through a lot of paperwork, home study and background checks. Mandy's health was not a problem since her oncologist gave her a good report.

They will now wait for travel plans to Poland to visit for the first time. First trip is 7 to 10 days. This is a time to see how they bond with her and she with them. They will then come home without her and wait for final papers to travel back to Poland for 4 to 5 weeks to finalize the adoption. We are hoping this can all be done by Christmas but sometimes you just have to wait. I will update when I know more or you can check Mandy and Steve's blog @

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