Keira's VBS (Vacation Bible School) was in the evening and started on Sunday to Thursday last week. We arrived early Tuesday and I was invited to help at VBS with serving dinner. Marcy had already helped on Sunday and Monday so I decided to help, too. It was fun, the kids were fun and the people were very appreciative. I also got dinner. I learned a new meal. A walking Taco.. Take a 1 3/4 oz. bag of doritos and cut longwise about an inch down. Oh crush the doritos first. Add taco meat, lettuce, tomato, onions and any other condiments you like top with sour cream and eat with plastic fork. Hence the name WALKING TACO!!!
On Thursday night they had a program and this is Keira performing. Fun time.
weve eaten many walking tacos...favorite hockey tournament fare. Brings back great memories...