Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Today I celebrate my "39th" birthday for the 24th time. I can say I am a lucky person. Our family has had some health scares in the last few years but have come through them with appreciation for family and friends. Prayers from our friends have gotten us through some rough spots but we are all healthy and happy today.
Last night Mandy, Steve and Nolan took us to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Have you ever had fried dill pickles? I recommend them. Nolan made me a beautiful coffee mug with my name (Nana) on the handle. I will think of my Nolan every morning when I have my coffee this summer. Thanks guys.
We are working, mostly David, on getting the 5th wheel ready for our summer trip. We are leaving Monday morning for Lake Havasu. Will update the travel map in the day or so.

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