Thursday, January 5, 2012

It has been along time since by last post. We all have such high hopes in the New Year and most of us are glad the year has ended and a new one is almost here. I have mixed feelings on that. 2011 was a very exciting year. The best part was meeting Mandy's donor and hugging him and telling him face to face how grateful we were. We met up with old friends and enjoyed some beautiful scenary. However, during our travels I was having some unexplained spotting. Not constant but rather annoying. I had had my annual physical and pap test the end of March and had mentioned that I had had 2 times of spotting. My family Doctor did not seemed concerned so I put it in the back of my mind. When we returned to Arizona I mentioned it to Mandy and asked for her gynocologists name. I had an appointment on November 17th. We talked about my problem and she examined me and I had blood drawn. She scheduled me for an ultrasound and biospy in December. On December 15th we met again to discuss my results and she told me I had uterine cancer stage 1. She referred me to a Gynecologic Oncologist and I got an appointment on December 21st. He told me my best treatment was a compete hysterectomy. I said when can you do it and he said he could do it on December 27th but that I could wait and get a second opinion. I had a copy of my biospy so I knew what I needed to do so I said lets do it. So Tuesday evening December 27th I had my surgery. He used a method called the de vince surgical system. I have a problem giving blood cause my veins are small and not eating for a day and half and not having any water caused a problem so they had to put my IV in my neck. It wasn't that bad but did make me want to get up and move around so I could leave the hospital. This procedure is consided out patient surgery and so your hospital stay is only 23 hours. I felt good enough to leave by 3 pm and was able to rest better at home. I was told my biospy report should be ready by Tuesday the 3rd. So I finally placed a call to their office yesterday and they called back with the results. They test 19 lymph nodes and found no cancer cells. It had invaded less than 50% of my uterus and was Grade 1. The nurse said it is up to the Doctor but usually there is no further treatment such as radiation or chemo. So I am starting 2012 on a Happy Note!! We have great friends and neighbors in our park. They made dinner for us and cookies and pies. Also lots of emails, cards and balloons from long time friends and phone calls from family. I would like to thank David for his wonderful nursing skills the last few days and helping put on my socks and cooking. Thanks to Mandy for keeping her Dad company during the surgery and helping me get dressed to come home. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming I still need them. HAPPY 2012 TO ALL OF YOU...

1 comment:

  1. Dianne, you've been through a lot. Fortunately, you've had some very nice support from people who love you. I'm sorry you had so much worry over what the extent of this was. But you've had some great news!!! I'm so happy and relieved to know you dealt with this before it advanced any further. Take it easy and give yourself a chance to recuperate and get back to normal. By the way, amazing that a hysterectomy doesn't even qualify for a night in the hospital!
    Gloria Billings
