Friday, July 29, 2011

July 19, 20, 21th, 2011

We arrived in Jersey City, New Jersey on July 19th. David, Mandy and Nolan went to the Newark airport and picked up Steve. On Wednesday we went into NYC via the Subway to meet Jonathan. We had a wonderful visit. There is a picture of him at the end of this post. Before we meet Jonathan we visited Time Square and Herald Square. We met him at Grand Central Station. Later that day Jonathan took us to Central Park. When we departed company we visited Foxs News and Rockefeller Center. On Thursday we again took the subway to Lower Manhatten and saw the Freedom Tower, Wall Street and The African Burial National Monument. We had lunch in Chinatown and then went to Battery Park. Needless to say we were HOT, TIRED and SWEATY but we had a super time and meeting Jonathan was why we were there.

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