Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last night we did something that we haven't done in a few months. Something we both enjoy!! Minds out of gutter, we slept with the windows open. It has been very hot and humid here in Florida but temperatures are starting to go down.


On Saturday night Marcy, Keira and Max had a sleep over with us in the 5th wheel. Penn State played football at 8 pm so they wanted to watch it on the dish. Where was Chad you ask? He is in Iowa. He started a new job there 3 weeks ago. The rest of the family will be moving there October 23rd. They put their house on the market on a Friday and had 4 offers by Sunday. Go figure. Anyway they were happy it sold and are now in the process of looking for a house in the Mason City, Iowa Falls area. Keira will be shocked one morning in November when she wakes up to see white stuff on the ground...


So sadly Monday morning we will leave our girls and head back to Arizona. We are, however, looking forward to seeing all our friends at Viewpoint and getting back to shuffleboard. (Stop laughing it is fun) We are stopping at the Vicksburg Battlefield in Mississippi and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. We should arrive in Mesa Tuesday October 13th. I will try to update the blog with our trip.

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