Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday the 13th was our last day on the road. We stoped at Guadalupe Mountains National Park. It is located about 40 miles south and west of Carlsbad. It is in Texas.
This is our 40th National Park that we visited during our trip this summer.

El Capitan is 8,078 feet high.

On Saturday Steve and Mandy went to Las Vegas so we got to take Nolan to his T-Ball Game.
Nolan will be 4 in January..
He is a natural!!!

Nolan is playing T-Ball. He, of course, is the best player on the team.

We made it safely back to Arizona and are getting settled back in. Park model cleaned and 5th wheel unloaded, cleaned and put in storage til next summer.

I hope you enjoyed the blog. It was fun to do.
FYI We drove over 15,000 miles on our adventure...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yesterday we arrived in Carlsbad, New Mexico for two nights. We went to the caverns today. We had been here 6 years ago and really enjoyed it. I guess I didn't remember how long a walk it was and how steep the descent was, however, it was worth it. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

This was our tour guide..

David at the entrance
David entering the Cavern

Click older post for more pics

I am pointing to a formation that we thought looked like a dinosaur!!

Funny sign in our campground.

Friday, October 9, 2009

So on Thursday we packed up and headed out on I-20 with the belief that traveling on I-20 through Louisana would be a better route than I-10 which we have always used. Well, WRONG!! We are glad that this is probably our last time in that state. Louisana roads are as bad as the ones in Alaska but without the scenery unless you like swamps. We are now in Texas. Well this is also not one of our favorite states. It is 878 miles East to West.. So what do you see is West Texas?? Windmills and oil field pumps..

I wanted to say Congratulations to Marcy, Chad, Keira and Max(the dog), on the purchase of their new home in Mason City, Iowa. Mason City is famous for the show Music Man..River City was actually Mason City..Marcy and Keira are flying to Minnesota tomorrow to attend a wedding for Marcy's college friend Julie Cotton. Congrats to Julie. Chad will meet them there and they will have a fun weekend together. I am sure they have missed being together the last few weeks. Keira make get her first look at SNOW!! They hope to take possession of their new home October 30th. Interesting fact is that their realtor, Abigail Lee, is Marcy and Mandy's sorority sister from Iowa State. She also only lives a few miles from their new home...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saying Good-Bye to our girls. We will miss our Sassy Keira...

On Monday we stopped for the night in De Funiak Springs, Florida.
Tuesday and tonight we are staying in Vicksburg, Mississippi. We are staying at the Ameristar RV park. It is owned by the casino. When we checked in they even gave us a complimentary buffet breakfast. It was delicious.
Of course if there is a National Park close by we have to visit it.

Arch leading to the 16 mile tour of the battlefield.

Memorial to Illinois.

Cairo Gunboat


On December 12, 1862, on the Yazoo River, a confederate torpedo tore open Cairo's bow. The union gunboat sank in 12 minutes. Cairo became the first armored warship sunk by an electrically detonated mine.


The torpedo that sank Cairo was a crude apparatus.

The county raised the gunboat from the bottom of the river in 1960.

David on the Cairo.

Distant view of one of the memorials.
Click older posts for more pics

Vickburgs National Cemetery

View of the Mighty Mississippi.

Being married to a civil engineer means taking pictures of bridges!! Both bridges are on I-20. The bridge on the left is a traffic bridge. The bridge on the right is for trains. One side use to be a traffic toll bridge. The other side of the bridge is Louisana.

This is a view of the Ameristar casino located on the Mississippi River.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last night we did something that we haven't done in a few months. Something we both enjoy!! Minds out of gutter, we slept with the windows open. It has been very hot and humid here in Florida but temperatures are starting to go down.


On Saturday night Marcy, Keira and Max had a sleep over with us in the 5th wheel. Penn State played football at 8 pm so they wanted to watch it on the dish. Where was Chad you ask? He is in Iowa. He started a new job there 3 weeks ago. The rest of the family will be moving there October 23rd. They put their house on the market on a Friday and had 4 offers by Sunday. Go figure. Anyway they were happy it sold and are now in the process of looking for a house in the Mason City, Iowa Falls area. Keira will be shocked one morning in November when she wakes up to see white stuff on the ground...


So sadly Monday morning we will leave our girls and head back to Arizona. We are, however, looking forward to seeing all our friends at Viewpoint and getting back to shuffleboard. (Stop laughing it is fun) We are stopping at the Vicksburg Battlefield in Mississippi and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. We should arrive in Mesa Tuesday October 13th. I will try to update the blog with our trip.