Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 47
Yesterday we left Carcross. Hooked the truck up did a few last minute checks got in and it wouldn't start. I was like WHAT THE (you get the picture). Bad things come in 3's..Transmission with chucks of stuff, fuel pump now this. Where is an airport to fly to Arizona..Anyway a nice guy from Yukon Highway maintenance jumped it and we took off. To where?? Well the closet town with any service is Prince George 1000 miles away. So we got to Watson Lake last night. We unhooked the truck and went to get fuel. It started fine. So David put the charger on it and we expected it to start this morning. Now you know it didn't. Another nice young man in the campground had a battery booster and so we were off again. Check the picture. The Cassier highway up and down for 200 miles. Needless to say when we had a potty stop we did not turn off the truck. So I am assuming the same thing will happen tomorrow. The owners know our story so they said no problem. One more stop tomorrow night then Prince George on Sunday. They have a Walmart. These batteries are only 2 years old..With a 3 year guarantee. And you know David has the receipt.
We did see a black bear, 2 foxes and a brown bear with 2 cubs. Sorry they were to fast to pose for pics.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures. I hope the truck starts for you today.

