Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is for Keira aka Miss Priss.
As we were driving today, Wednesday July 15th, from Idaho to Utah I could see a field of purple. When we finally got close we saw that it was a field of Lavender. It was very pretty and I knew Keira would love it. Her favorite color is purple..

Looks like the beginning of an Arch. Well maybe in a millon years!!
Utah has some great scenery, especially the red mountains.

Driving through St. George, Utah, I spotted this house on the hill.

Driving to Las Vegas from Utah through the Virgin River canyon.


Vegas Hotel and Casino
Click older posts for more pics

We spent the night in Laughlin, Nevada. The town is basically a miniature Las Vegas. There is only one street with casinos. I played video poker for 4 hours, had two gin and tonics and walked out after tipping the waitress with $1.02!!!!

Joshua Trees.

So we are back in Mesa and enjoying the heat!!!! We are changing out our winter clothes for summer items. We will be heading to Florida in about a week. Mandy and Nolan will come to Florida for a visit over Labor Day. It will be fun for Keira and Nolan to see each other.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Mandy. Her bone marrow biopsy was clean.
Thanks for reading our blog and we hope you enjoyed our adventure. So get off your couch and go see the country. There is so much to see.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We have done a lot of traveling and been to a lot of National Parks but we think that Glacier National Park is the most scenic.

Continental Divide
Elevation 6646 Feet

Another great view.

Taking a short hike..

Click older posts for more pics

Mountain goats in Glacier

Click the play button.

Goose Island. A very popular area to photograph. I had to take this out of the shuttle bus window so I couldn't get a close up picture.

This is a marmot. One ugly little sucker. This one is stuffed but the last time we were in Glacier I had a run in with one. I had on tevas and he tried to lick my sandals.

St. Mary's Falls. Look closely in the middle of the picture.

Just browsing through the park.
Click older posts for one more pic.

Last view of Glacier. We are now spending the new few days in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. We will leave here on Tuesday and travel back to Arizona.

We can't wait to see Nolan. He is a HOOT. I called him the other day and I said do you know who this is and he said Who is this. I said you know and he said "I want to talk to Grandpa David!!! He knows how to play his Nana..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 53 Wednesday
We have seen lots of scenery but were surprised to see this area. We spent the night in Cache Creek, BC . The Milepost Book ( a must guide if you travel to Alaska and Canada) called Cache Creek the Arizona of Canada. Climate is characterized as semi-arid, with hot, dry summers and cold, dry winters.

Another view of Cache Creek

Last spike for the Canadian Pacific Railroad.


A nebulous dream was a reality: an iron ribbon crossed Canada from Sea to Sea. Often following the footsteps of early explorers, nearly 3000 miles of steel rail pushed across vast prairies, cleft lofty mountain passes, twisted through canyons and bridged a thousand streams.

Here on Nov. 7, 1885, a plain iron spike welded East to West.
Several years ago we were at Promontory Point, Utah the site of the American Golden Spike on the Transcontinental railroad. Aren't you all Jealous???

Looks like an old duffer putting in the last spike.

Our drive took us through Glacier National Park in Canada. Not as spectacular as the one in Montana but it did have some nice views. They don't have any vistors center you just drive through the area.

Going down the road pic.

David thought this looked like a volcano. Can't blame it on too much daylight anymore since it is now getting dark around 10pm..
Click older post for one more pic

So this morning starts Day 54 and just when you think the scenary is over you see this just around the corner. Hoodoos. We crossed the border around noon and answered a few questions like do you have any lamb or goat? Whatever. The did a quick check of the 5th wheel and we were on are way. Back in the USA. We will spending the next 2 days in Glacier National Park, Montana. Hope to have some animal pics for you tomorrow..
Please say a prayer for Mandy tonight as you had a Bone Marrow Biopsy today. She had her transplant July 23rd and this is her one year transplant biopsy. After this one she won't need another one for a year. YEA..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 51

We left Prince George in the rain. It rained most of the day and our trip to Cache Creek was a bit boring. Sorry no pictures. I have been following some other people who have blogs and are also in the Alaska area. These two pictures are theirs however, we did stay in this area about 2 weeks ago.
We have a friend, Joe Judge who loves to fish so I dedicate this posting to him. Enjoy Joe.


This is the confluence of the Kenai and Russian river. These guys are fishing for red salmon and it is called combat fishing. From what I understand the salmon are not interested in biting but they do get upset when the lure is in front of them so they snap at it. This is the time the fisherman pulls the line and hopes to snag the fish. It is only legal if they snag them in the mouth. If they catch them in the belly or fin they must throw them back. They guys stand 6 to 10 feet apart and are in constant motion. There have been several reports of snagged fishermen. OUCH...

According to the posting this brown bear came out of the woods took the salmon caught by this fisherman and headed back in the woods. 30 minutes later he strolled out again found another fish on the bank and back in the woods he went. 30 minutes later he emerged and walked down where another fisherman had a string of 5 salmon and sat down and for an hour enjoyed the fish. No amount of noise would make him leave. After his hearty meal he left and did not return for the rest of the day. Now I also understand that only the best of the best can fish this way so getting your limit of 6 is tough. Needless to say there some upset anglers that day.

Monday, July 6, 2009

This was the view from our RV park on Sunday July 5th. We saw several deer on our drive today and almost had some venison for our dinner tonight.

For Mandy
This was in the town of TINTAGE, BC named in 1913 after Tintagel, Cornwall, England. The central stone in the cairne once formed part of the Norman Walls of Tintagel Castle, reputed birthplace of King Arthur, Knight of the round table.

Mr. P.G. greets visitors to Prince George.

Yes we made it safely without any incident regarding the batteries. We found our park called Bee Lazee.. We unhooked had some lunch and then headed to Walmart to get a new battery or possibly two. I did some shopping and when I went over to the battery area David was done. He was told that they DO NOT Honor warranty's on products purchased in the US. NICE. He talked to the Manager and she basically told him he was SOL.. I wonder if our US Walmart treats the Canadians that way. It wasn't like we got it at Sears and tried to get a new one under warranty at Kmart.. We did visit The Real Canadian Superstore. Kinda like a Super Walmart. We even went to a Chinese Buffet. YUMMY. We do miss our chinese food.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th
David unhooked the batteries last night and then hooked them up this morning and the truck started. He thinks the one battery is pulling power from the other!! I don't know I was just happy it started so I could take a going down the road pic for you. Hope to see some animals..

This is what we have to look at everyday!!

Seven Sisters Mountain..
New Hazelton, BC

We stopped for a potty break and to read the sign. I had never heard of Carol Huynh. Had to google her. She won her medal in Freestyle Wrestling!! Did you know that was a female event in the olympics.??

A beauty-EH!!!

Running Bear!!!

How exciting to get this picture. We saw a total of 7 black bear today.

Tonight we stayed in Smithers at a park near another Glacier so beware another Glacier picture..

Notice all the bugs bothering Mr. Bear.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 47
Yesterday we left Carcross. Hooked the truck up did a few last minute checks got in and it wouldn't start. I was like WHAT THE (you get the picture). Bad things come in 3's..Transmission with chucks of stuff, fuel pump now this. Where is an airport to fly to Arizona..Anyway a nice guy from Yukon Highway maintenance jumped it and we took off. To where?? Well the closet town with any service is Prince George 1000 miles away. So we got to Watson Lake last night. We unhooked the truck and went to get fuel. It started fine. So David put the charger on it and we expected it to start this morning. Now you know it didn't. Another nice young man in the campground had a battery booster and so we were off again. Check the picture. The Cassier highway up and down for 200 miles. Needless to say when we had a potty stop we did not turn off the truck. So I am assuming the same thing will happen tomorrow. The owners know our story so they said no problem. One more stop tomorrow night then Prince George on Sunday. They have a Walmart. These batteries are only 2 years old..With a 3 year guarantee. And you know David has the receipt.
We did see a black bear, 2 foxes and a brown bear with 2 cubs. Sorry they were to fast to pose for pics.

Maybe we have been in too much daylight but we thought this looked like Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

Another interesting mountain shape

View from the truck.

More snow capped mountains.

This is the park owners home. They are originally from Minnesota but now have duel citizenship. They are here for 6 to 7 months then go to California and Arizona to visit they daughters and grandchildren. Guys this place is OUT IN THE WOODS. No Target, no Walmart, no Bashas no nothing..except a spectacular view. When we checked in the owner (woman) was making cinnamon rolls but couldn't finish cause their propane line had a problem. David, of course, talked and talked and said too bad no cinnamon rolls. Anyway about an hour ago she came down with cinnamon rolls and banana bread. So I pimp him out for FOOD!! Women LOVE him..

David wanted you to know that not all trailer parks are down by the tracks. This is a jewel. This park is not on the Alaska highway but is on the Cassier highway with meets the Alaska highway at Watson Lake. Travel through Canada and Alaska seems very light. Most parks we stay in are only about 25% full. In fact this one only has 4 units in it tonight.