Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 8

Well we made in across the border. I have many thoughts on the crossing but will keep them to myself for now. There was no waiting in line and we answered a few questions then we were told to pull over and go inside and see someone at the counter. OK, so we went in and the place was full and there really wasn't any signs to tell you what to do. Finally we talked to someone who took our passposts and said have a seat. FOR OVER AN HOUR!!! Finally they decided to give the rig a once over and we got back on the road after 1 hour and 40 minutes..We crossed from Montana into Alberta and David said he thought the lay of the land looked like Western Kansas. We did go to Walmart for some groceries and they really weren't to bad. I am use to milk in Arizona being $1.99 so $4.02 was high but US money it was $3.62. Things in Arizona are just cheaper than anywhere in the country. Not sure when I will post again. I don't think I will have internet for the next several days. I will, however, take some great pictures to post.

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