Sunday, May 31, 2009

We are now in Dawson Creek BC. The first thing this morning we went to find Mile "O" sign that is the start of the Alaskan Highway. There are two such signs, one near the visitors center and another one in the center of main street in town. The one downtown is the true one that was moved to its current location because cars kept hitting it in the round-about. So across the street from the round-about by the visitors center they erected a larger sign, more conducive to tourist photos at the start of Mile "O".

WOW I made it!!
Visitors center sign

We have now traveled 2235 miles to get to Mile "O"!! This is the original milepost sign. The visitors center had two excellent videos on the road construction.
On our drive from Jasper to Dawson Creek a moose ran across in front of us. All I got for a picture was his back end so I will wait to post a really good moose picture. We also saw 2 wolves but no pics of them either.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 10
Lake Louise in Banff National Park. Notice the lake is still frozen.
Victoria Glacier in the background.
Day 10
This The Fairmont Chateau at Lake Louise. We ask but NO RV parking. HA HA
Day 11
On Thursday we drove from Banff to Jasper. We drove on the Icefield Parkway. There are many glaciers to see. This is the biggest. It is called the Athabasca Glacier. It is the head waters of the river.

WOW, you never know what is going to cross in front of you.
Mountain Goats.

Bighorn Sheep. He was a beauty. EH.
Day 12
David wanted you to see this view.
Athabasca River and Mount Edith Cavell.

We saw this bear today. He was sooo cute. He had his head down til Dianne blew the air horn and that got his attention..

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 11

I am only making a quick post since I am in a parking lot in Jasper. We had a great time in Banff and today we drove through the icefield parkway. We saw a bear, mountain goats and bighorn sheep. There are elk grazing through our campground here but we are to stay far away since they are calving. I wish I could send pictures but will do as soon as I have internet connection in a few days. Heading to Dawson Creek on Saturday. Til then stay safe.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 8

Well we made in across the border. I have many thoughts on the crossing but will keep them to myself for now. There was no waiting in line and we answered a few questions then we were told to pull over and go inside and see someone at the counter. OK, so we went in and the place was full and there really wasn't any signs to tell you what to do. Finally we talked to someone who took our passposts and said have a seat. FOR OVER AN HOUR!!! Finally they decided to give the rig a once over and we got back on the road after 1 hour and 40 minutes..We crossed from Montana into Alberta and David said he thought the lay of the land looked like Western Kansas. We did go to Walmart for some groceries and they really weren't to bad. I am use to milk in Arizona being $1.99 so $4.02 was high but US money it was $3.62. Things in Arizona are just cheaper than anywhere in the country. Not sure when I will post again. I don't think I will have internet for the next several days. I will, however, take some great pictures to post.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 7

This is our view from our campground. They are the Big Belt Mountains. This is our last day of rest. We will be crossing the border tomorrow. Hope you all have a nice holiday and don't eat too many hot dogs..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 5
I know I said we were not going to Yellowstone but.. Christmas 2007 we received a GPS from our kids. We have been using it and also checking the map. Well today we put White Sulphur Springs in and started driving. Mandy, our GPS voice, told us to turn right even though David thought we should go left. I said follow Mandy and we were at the West Entrance to Yellowstone. We said what the heck we have a Senior Pass so we entered and headed to the West Entrance. Thanks Mandy cause we had a great time and saved driving 30 more miles. And we thought today would be a boring drive!!

You need to be watching all the time in the park. I guess this is a Buffalo Crossing.

These guys were everywhere today.

These are steam vents that can be seen is several areas of the park. The park is so large that you need to spend several days here to see everything.

The last time we were in Yellowstone in 2005 the road to MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS was closed so we were excited to see them again. The last time we saw them was on a trip in 1982. Our friends, the Kurtzs, and our family rented RVs and took a trip West. Yellowstone was one of our stops. The springs had a lot more water running during that time. If you look closely in a distance you can see our 5th wheel..

Orange Spring Mound

Minerva Terrace
Click on older posts for more pictures.

Canary spring

Canary Spring

Liberty Cap
Standing 37 ft. it was created by a hot spring that was active and on one location for a long time. Its internal pressure was sufficient to raise the water to a great height, allowing mineral deposits to build slowly and continuously for perhaps hundreds of years. Estimated to be 2500 years old and now dormant.

David looking for a new pet.

Elk lounging around the Visitor Center.

Lunch Time Stop-Shields River Valley
This river was named by Capt. Wm. Clark in honor of John Shields a member of the Lewis and Clark party. Clark and his men who were guided by Sacajawea camped at the mouth of this river July 15, 1806 while exploring Yellowstone.
Arrived safely in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. Will be here til Monday. Then we will be crossing the border to Canada.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 4
It amazes me how will we sleep on the road. It is like head on pillow out like a light. It also makes me wonder why people drive so fast. Do they know how must scenary they miss. I also want to say, HELLO, do you not see we are pulling our house which weighs about 18,000 pounds and does not stop on a dime.. Let's not pull out in front of us or pass and then pull in front. OK enough complaining.
So now you are wondering what is this picture. What comes from Idaho?? Potatoes..

First I want to say sorry for the poor quality of this picture but I took it while David was driving about 60 mph. It is a view of The Grand Tetons. They are about 30 miles away. They are actually in Wyoming. They are also a must see. You can drive to them from Yellowstone. The same road will take you to both parks.

As you can see from our campsite, it is still winter in Idaho. The campground hosts told us they arrived last Sunday, the 17th, and had to move snow from their site so we are lucky it has continued to melt.

Another view of our home..

This is a view from our park..

We are only about 20 minutes from Yellowstone National Park but have been there so decided not to go this trip, however, I thought I would look through some of my pictures and let you have a look at Old Faithful. I think it is really neat..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 3.

We left Monticello early this morning and had a nice drive. We are in Ogden, Utah for the night. We were very surprised to see so much snow still on the mountains in Odgen. We stopped at the Flying J here and got diesel for $2.26. Not too bad. We decided to stay at a park about 3 miles away. We found it in the Woodalls campground directory. It said to get off at exit 346 and go 1/8 mile W. We did but there was no campground only a narrow road which lead to a continuing narrow road and no where to turn around. Dianne looked in the book again and read the directions and they were correct but she happened to look at the ad and it said exit 343!! So she called them and they said that Woodalls had printed it wrong. GREAT. Where do you turn around a 38Ft. 5th wheel. So we continued on and all roads meet other roads. We finally made it to our home for the night and got a 10% discount for our trouble.

We stopped for lunch and this was our view.

This was the view out our truck window while driving through Moah, Utah.

This is a view of another area in Arches NP. Utah is a beautiful state. When we travel through there we always think how much our son-in-law, Chad, would love it. He loves camping and hiking. We hope someday we can share this state with him and, of course, Marcy and Keira.

Utah has several NP but our favorite is Arches. We didn't stop there this trip but wanted to share a pic from our trip in 2007.
Delicate Arch. One of the most photographed formation in the US. We hiked there and it was a tough trip but well worth it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 2

We left Cordes Junction early this morning and had a very scenic drive. We had lunch in Monument Valley. This is a picture of our view. We have been through here a few times but we always enjoy the drive.

This is where Mexican Hat, Utah gets its name. I don't see it but I guess you need to use your imagination.

We arrived in our RV park and I was thrilled to see lilacs. I haven't seen them in several years and they always remind of my Mother. She loved them. We also saw some robins. It is only 73 degrees.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 1

Today was a very short day. We are in Cordes Junction only about 100 miles from Mesa. It is, however, about 7 degrees cooler. We set up and checked everything out. We had gotten 6 new tires on the 5th wheel. The installer recommended that the lug nuts be checked after driving about 100 miles, so that was done. We are just relaxing and getting back into travel mode. Tomorrow Utah.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

We have almost everything moved into the 5th wheel except for some cold food items and our toothbrushes. As you can see we have added a google map so you can follow our travels. Just click the "View Alaska Adventure in a large map" and it will take you to the google map site. Click on the balloons and you will know were we are going. The blue balloons are for the trip to Alaska and the yellow balloons are the trip back to Mesa. We (Dianne) are a little concerned about the border crossing. We are crossing at Coutts Alberta and have heard from some bloggers that the Canadian border patrol officers are a bit unfriendly.
We are looking forward to some cooler weather since it has been in the low 100's here for the past 2 weeks. Will post when we can. We look forward to sharing our adventure with all of you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So this is what we are heading to Alaska to find! There's GOLD in them there HILLS. Oh, well we can dream.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We have been looking for something a little more glamorous to pull the 5th wheel and we think we found it. This is sooo cool!! Not sure how it will do going up the mountains but I am sure it will do fine coming down..