Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Arrived in Mason City. Settled in for the next two weeks. Will post a picture of Keira in the future. Since we have seen her she has lost a tooth and grown at least a foot!! Cute as a Bug.

P.S. The two new tires cost $868.00..

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 23, 2012

We left Green River and our next destination was Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Heading East we noticed a hugh fire to the southwest.
Antelope, Antelope everywhere in Wyoming
The one reason to stop in Cheyenne was for David to see The Big Boy. In 1984 we took an RV trip with our good friends the Kurtzs. First RV trip for both our families. Frank and David were both fans of trains. This picture is dedicated to our Friend Frank.
Read the story about the big Boy

Looking for the Cowboy to fill this boot!!!
David in front of the Capital
June 24, 2012
Leaving Wyoming behind and heading into Nebraska. Most of the scenery will be bluffs and crop lands.
Sydney, Nebraska
Only time I had a Runza was in Nebraska

A runza is a yeast dough bread pocket with a filling consisting of beef, pork, cabbage or sauerkraut, onions, and seasonings. In Nebraska, the runza is usually baked in a rectangular shape.
On David's bucket list is to visit every Walmart in the US. Cross off Sidney, Nebraska.
Driving along we saw lots of winter wheat. This field had 3 big pieces of equipment doing the cutting. David thought these were Gleaners. Gleaners travel from the southern wheat belt to the north.
Coyote sculptor on the hill
So you know how you can be driving along and relaxing and then BAM a blow out. It sucks but we got off I-80 and it was on the passenger side so David was able to change it on the shoulder.
David putting the jack under the truck.

Fixed and ready to continue to Elm Creek Nebraska. Yes we made it and are settling in for the night. Tomorrow we hope to be in Avoca, Iowa and Tuesday to Mason City for a long rest and see our sweet Keira.
This will be my last post for awhile.
Please keep checking...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 22, 2012
We left Springville, Utah and headed toward Green River, Wyoming on highway 189. Beautiful scenery. First thing we saw was Bridal Veil Falls. This area is where the Sundance Film Festival is held.
This area is called the Provo Canyon.
Deer Creek Reservoir
Coming up from the canyon we came upon this accident. It had just happened and you could hear the kids crying. I wanted to stop but David thought it would cause more traffic backup and several people had already stopped and a police car was just arriving. We weren't sure what happened since this was the only vehicle involved. I pray that everyone was OK. This is an RV's nightmare.
More scenery

David spotted this cool cloud.
Entering the Green River area we stopped Castle Rock.
Another formation in Green River.
Stopped for the night. You won't believe it but David was visiting with another camper traveling in a RV rental and they were from HOLLAND. They are only in the States for a month. Tomorrow Cheyenne. Maybe we will meet more people from Holland!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21, 2012
Yesterday we arrived in Baker, Nevada. Our campground was called Border Inn. The campground was also a casino, restaurant, gas station, motel. The casino was in Nevada and the restaurant was in Utah. Nevada was Pacific time and Utah was Mountain time so as usual I was confused!!
As you can see by the sign behind David the next services were 83 miles. Yes we are still on Highway 50 (the loneliest highway)..


When we arrived at our campground last night we noticed this truck camper and the strange license plate. After dinner I went to the casino (didn't loss) and David was outside and started to visit with the people. It was strange yet interesting to meet people from Holland especially in Baker, Nevada. They had shipped their camper from Hamburg, Germany to Buenos Aires, Argentia. They flew to Argentia got the camper and drove south to the end of South America. Their adventure started October 2011. They then went north on the Pan American highway which took them across South America and crossed the Panama Canal and then entered the US from Nogales, Mexico. They went to Tombstone, Grand Canyon and Lake Powell. In May they put the camper in storage in Los Angeles and flew back to Holland for a month to visit family. Upon getting back to the US and getting their camper they went to Arches and Canyonlands National Park in Utah. When we met up with them they were going to Lake Tahoe up the California and Oregon coast with stops in several national parks. They are going into Canada and then to Alaska then back to Montana to see Glacier, Yellowstone and the Tetons. They will travel east to Halifax and put the camper on a boat back to Europe and they will fly home. Their adventure will end Ocotber 2012. David suggested that they stop in South Dakota to see the black hills. The lady said isn't that were Mount Rushmore is located. WOW. They are amazing. They spoke English perfectly and knew enough Spanish to get by. In the future they want to come back and see the South East and especially Florida. I am always impressed by the amount of people that we meet from another country that so appreciate our country. Happy Trails to them.
This truck with the load and pusher truck were parked in the parking lot at our campground. The gal at registration told David it was going to Hawaii. David didn't understand WHY they were taking it over highway 50.
Yes another dry salt lake picture. This one Sevier Lake.

This and the next 2 pictures are King Canyon on Highway 50 (remember the loneliest highway)

Beautiful scenery.
Arrived in Springville, Utah which is a suburb of Provo.

This is the view in our park.
Tomorrow we will be in Green River, Wyoming to visit Flaming Gorge.
June 20, 2012

First day of Summer. No one told them in Eureka, Nevada.

These guys were in our campground when we were packing up to leave. Of course they decided to go across the road but they all made it safely at least today.
If you look closely you can see where the road is going. Up and down up and down one summit at a time.
The loneliest highway goes on and on and on.
Antler archway on Highway 50
Great Basin National Park was very disappointing. We have seen better scenery just driving.

David with Bald Mountain at 11,562 feet in the background.
Great Basin in the distance.
Panoramic view of Wheelers Peak.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday June 19, 2012

Today we decided to take a circle type trip. Our first stop was in Carson City. This is the capital of Nevada. This is the Governor's Mansion
Downtown Carson City.
So I have always been curious what the Bunny Ranch looked like. I always thought it was in Reno so I googled it I found that it was located in Carson City. Well, who wouldn't want to see it?
Should we Stop? Should we buy gifts?? Take a tour? So many choices and so little time..
No Speeding to the Ranch
WOW lots of PINK
A Happy Ending!!