Friday, April 20, 2012

The day has finally arrived. We are up early to catch our shuttle to the airport for a one hour and 15 minute flight to San Diego. Then off to our ship. Once we board it is off to lunch. We are excited and I am especially excited to see the reaction from our friend Jim. This is his first cruise. Will try to post when we are in Hawaii but no pics til we get back.
ALOHA. This is a pic of our ship.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

APRIL 8TH, 2012

We only had 11 people for our block Easter Dinner. Several couples have left for the season and others had prior commitments. We had enough food for 30 people.. We are now looking forward to our cruise on April 20th. This will probably be my last post til we return May 5th. Check back cause I will have some great pictures from Hawaii..
We always have lots of food.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

MARCH 25th, 2012

Julie Baumgarten invited us to her 90th birthday party. Julie is in the blue dress and definately does NOT look 90. Julie is Steve's (Mandy's husband) grandmother. She lives in Tucson and has a boyfriend named Patrick. Patrick is from Canada so in the summer they go there to escape the heat of Arizona. Left to right is Claudia (Steve's sister) Sage (Steve's aunt's son) Julie, Steve, Mandy, Bess (Steve's sister) and Tom her finance'. In front is Nolan her only Great Grandson. A wonderful time was had by all.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Mandy and Steve invited us to their Condo for spring break. Before we left Mandy brought some of her canned goods over to our park. We were having yard sales that day. She made $300.00 which goes into the adoption fund. She sold lots of jams and pickles.
Then off to SIN CITY!! We had a great time until Friday when I got the flu and then gave it to everyone but Steve. He left for home on Thursday so I guess I got it Thursday on Fremont street from all the daiquiris Mandy and I drank.

Mandy playing Words with Friends with Me. I am sitting across the room..

Dinner at Hofbrauhaus. Really good German food and great entertainment.
What happens in Vegas well you know the rest..

Mandy Steve and Nolan on the new bridge over the Hoover Dam.
Nolan in Nevada and Arizona.