Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thought you might enjoy seeing some of the decorations in our park. This is our place.

Stocking Street

Pooh and Tigger

Saquaro Cactus Street

Crazy cactus

Signs of the season
Click older posts for one more pic

Our friends Bob and Shar's place.

Hal and Marge's snowman

Friday, December 17, 2010

There are 43 picture to view so you will need to click older posts

I hope you enjoy the pics-We had a wonderful time on our Cruise
On December 4th we left Phoenix and flew to West Palm Beach. We spent the night in West Palm. Had dinner at City Center. A fun place. Nolan road a little train and they had snow machines. On the 5th we took the Tri Rail from West Palm to Miami. It is a commuter rail line that links West Palm and Miami. It is about 71 miles and has about 18 stops. We arrived in Miami around 11 am and had about a mile to get to the Port. Now this is where the problem began. To get to the port you needed to cross over a bridge. As you know I don't like to walk and walking across an inclined bridge pulling a suitcase did not sound like fun-but I was out voted to get a cab and so we walked. Yes we all made it but not without ME whining!! We finally got to the ship, checked in and got to the buffet by 1 pm. It is true that there is an endless amount of food. 24 hour pizza and ice cream, also. All the food was really good and we really enjoyed going into the dining room. Lobster, prime rib, shrimp just to name some of the dishes. The service was great and all the staff certainly earned their tips.

Nolan waiting for the train in West Palm Beach

Steve, David, Nolan and Mandy

On the Tri rail in West Palm Beach heading to the Port of Miami.

Me walking over the Bridge

Happy Travelers

A view of the ships in the Port of Miami

A view of the deck and the big slide

Let the fun begin

Mandy, Nolan and Steve

Leaving Miami

Enjoying the view

The beautiful beaches of Miami.

This is a Bon Voyage cake from our friends Bob and Shar Fricke. They also gave us 4 drink tickets. Thanks guys we really enjoyed it.

Day 2 was at Sea

As most of you know Mandy's donor, Jonathan, is Jewish. In his honor we celebrated Hannakuh. Each night they lit a candle on the Menorah, had traditional food, wine and music.

Mandy and Nolan dancing at the Hannakuh celebration.

Enjoying a glass of wine and celebrating Hannakuh.

Our waiter in the dining room was Pieter from Poland. He had two little boys. He made Nolan a hat out of a cloth napkin. We enjoyed shrimp and lobster tail. Since Mandy cannot have shell fish she had lamb.

Day 3

First port was Grand Cayman. What a beautiful Island. Nolan, Steve and Mandy on seven mile beach. Several movies have been filmed here including the Firm with Tom Cruise. Steve rented us a van and we toured the island and wanted to make a stop in Hell. Oh did I mention that they drive on the wrong side of the road (If you are not British) Steve drove and did a good job even after a stop at the local brewery for samples. He kept saying to himself "stay Left, stay Left." We did some shopping and sampled the Tortuga Rum and the rum cakes.

A picture tells it all..

This is why they call this area HELL. Check out the rock formations.
David drinking coconut milk.

Mandy and I enjoying a fresh coconut
Yes-Steve and I were in HELL-Together

Day 4

was spent in the Isla of Roatan, Honduras.

Steve and Mandy went zip lining and snorkeling. We took Nolan on a glass bottom boat ride. The seas were a little rough but we saw lots of pretty fish and Nolan spotted "Nemo and Dori".

View of the Coral Reef

Nolan and Nana

Nolan and a Friend

View of the Isla of Roatan. We had to take a tender boat to shore.

Old ship that ran aground years ago.

After a fun day in Roatan we went golfing. I think that was Nolan's favorite thing to do on the ship.

Grandpa and Nolan Golfing

Day 5 was in Belize. Today we toured the Altun Ha ruins (Maya for "Rock Stone Water") where the famousJade Head "Kinich Ahau" was discovered by Dr. David Pendergast. Then we traveled down the Wallace River which use to be called the Olde Belize River. We also enjoyed a delicious lunch.

All of us at the Ruins
Mandy, David, Steve and Nolan on top of the Ruins.

The second part of our tour was a trip down the Wallace River. Before we went we had lunch at a small village called Burrell Boom. It was a tasty local lunch at the Olde River Tavern. We had chicken, beans and rice and salad. It was very good.

After lunch we got into a boat and headed down the Wallace River. The first animal we spotted was an Iguana. We saw several on our trip down the river.

HOWLER MONKEY The trees had lots of them and they are very vocal.

Nolan, Steve and Mandy

chillin on the River..

Crocodiles along the river.
Close up of a Toucan

We saw several Toucans along the river.

Fun on the river.