Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yesterday we joined Mandy, Steve, Nolan and a large group of volunteers at a Bone Marrow Registry Donor Drive at the Hall of Flames. It is a museum with lots of antique firetrucks and equipment.
We met a retired firefighter in need of a transplant. Luckily he has found a match. Approximately 50 people signed up.
The beautiful lady in the green dress is Molly the Mascot.. Nolan loved her!!
It was also Mandy's 18 month birthday. She looks GREAT.

Nolan and his friend Holden.
Holden's Mom came to fill out the paperwork to be a Donor.

Fireman Nolan

A pic of Red Mountain. I took this on our way home from the BM Drive.
Arizona has so much beautiful scenery.

Early last evening our neighbor came over to tell us there was a motor home in the pull thrus on fire.
We were told the owners were not home and didn't know this had happened. Flames had been shooting out of the refrigerator area.
This is an RV's nightmare!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

HELP--Mandy is short of her fundraising goal for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Your support is greatly needed to fight blood cancer!!! Remember when you asked "how can I help?" Well, do it now, do it for Mandy and everyone else who has or will face this disease.
PLEASE visit her website and make a donation. Remember it is Tax deductible.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is a view of one of the golf courses in our park. This is the 9 hole. Mandy, Nolan and Steve came over for New Years Day. Santa brought Nolan golf clubs so he wanted to try them out.

Getting a lesson from Dad!!

Looks like a PRO!!!

Keira in front of her new house in Mason City, Iowa.

Keira told her Mom when she got bigger she was moving back to Florida!!!

She had never been in snow before and she said she was COLD!!!
She helped shovel snow with her new purple shovel!!

Making a snow Angel!!

Lots of snow for Christmas!!